FaxPress Premier WebHelp: Admin Guide > Setting Up the FaxPress Premier Server > Powering On the FaxPress Premier Server

Powering on the FaxPress Premier Server

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Once you’ve connected the FaxPress Premier to your network and plugged the power cable into the power source, power on the FaxPress Premier by using the power switch located on the front of the unit.

Once powered on, the FaxPress Premier’s serial number will be displayed on the FaxPress Premier’s front panel LCD window. The FaxPress Premier’s serial number is the factory default FaxPress Premier name. To change the FaxPress Premier serial number to a name, see Changing the FaxPress Premier Serial Number to a Name.

Powering on in a DHCP Environment

By default, the FaxPress Premier is DHCP-enabled. Powered on in a DHCP environment, the Premier will automatically be assigned an IP address from your network’s DHCP server, but will need to be manually joined to the network domain. The FaxPress Premier’s IP address will be displayed on the FaxPress Premier’s front panel LCD window.

To change the Premier’s server-assigned IP address, see Changing the FaxPress Premier Server’s IP Address.

Powering on in a Static IP Environment

If the FaxPress Premier server is operating in a non-DHCP (static IP) environment, it will automatically assign itself a randomly generated static IP address. You’ll probably need to change the self-assigned IP address, displayed on the front panel LCD window, to a static IP address in the range on your network.

To change the FaxPress Premier’s self-assigned static IP address, see Changing the FaxPress Premier Server’s IP Address.


FaxPress Premier WebHelp
Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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